
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Technology And Your Right To Privacy :: essays research papers

Technology and the invasion of privacy and its effects onthe criminal legal expert system overthe last 100 yearsWill curious the internet for more than 5 hours on this topic I prep ar aquote that is veryappropriate it saysSubtler and more farther-reaching means of incursive privacy subscribe becomeavailable to thegovernment. Discovery and invention have made it possible for thegovernment, bymeans far more in force(p) than stretching upon the rack, to obtain disclosurein court ofwhat is whispered in the closet.US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandies, 1928If Justice Brandeis could see the advances in technology, he would realizejust howprophetic his statement is. He would likewise be appalled by the newsurveillance technologiesthat go far beyond his wildest dreams. Now that the cold war is over,bureaucracy haslittle do but track us from the cradle to the grave, from your bank accountsto thebedroom. Several of the technologies created by the defense dept. have begunto creepinto law enforcement, various civilian agencies and nonpublic companies. Thelaws on thebooks are old in comparison and unable to nourish us from violation of ourrights.I the old west there was no system to keep track of criminals. If someonewas wanted he express was posted with a reward. If convicted he was sentenced to what thejudge feltwas appropriate.In the earlier 60s surveillance and tracking was a slow tidious process ofmanual and/orclerical work. To trace a persons activities you had to physically followthem, or essaythrough volumes of card files. It was necessary to contact every one your doubt came incontact with. to learn his habits. Electronic surveillance was on a one toone basis if yourdept was lucky enough to have it. As an example, it took 500,000 east Germansecretinformers and 10,000 transcribers just to listen in on its citizensconversations.Computers capable of storing large amounts of data have revolutionized theworld ofsurveillance. The law enforcement benefits are enormous, and governmentbureaucracieshave been able to expand their reach and efficiency.Will technology was expanding private business was also researching itsuses. Hugecompanies offering credit cards, ring service, banking and many otherconsumerservices began to use computers with massive storage capacity.In this day and age information on every person in the developed world iscomputerizedand stored in several if not hundreds of computers. Your information iscollected, analyse and disseminated to..... With computer net works, the net andlinks, it is possiblenow to track everyone with a single identification number, your socialsecurity number.With your specific identifier everything about you flock be instantlyavailable. Becausemedical, dental, financial and general information is stored in the data

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